"Through the magic of the kid and the horse"



CALIFORNIA RANGERS is a non-profit youth equestrian organization modeled after the equestrian Cavalry of the 1800's. The organization strives to help young people develop skills in horsemanship, drill maneuvers, leadership, self-respect, and accepting responsibility. In addition to internal competition within the California Rangers, we perform in outside equestrian events. We have been awarded first place champions for California State Junior and Senior Drill Team, California State Junior Colorguard, Western States Junior Drill Team, Equestrian Trail Incorporated and have participated in a Presidential Inaugural Parade, city parades, community events, and Special Olympic events.

California Rangers is best suited to young people who like to ride and like the outdoors, but is not just a riding class. Each member must strive to work up through the ranks as he or she is learning horsemanship and drill maneuvers. This competitive opportunity within the military structure results in the development of leadership ability, self respect and both mental and physical discipline. Each member develops respect for officers, respect for personal discipline and that of the troop, and the personal ability to accept responsibility.

Watch what California Rangers is all about

2019 Grand Champions

Some people dont call this a SPORT. What do you think?




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